Tuesday, September 28, 2010

blog #3 (metric system)

"Several years ago  NASA rocket failed because scientists were not using the same system of measurement for all the parts. Should the US switch to the metric system? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons to support your answer"

i think that the US should switch to the metric system. In all different parts of the world the metric system is used. I dont think we should be any different. If we used the metric system, i think that we would live an easier life. The metric system is all based on "10's". This makes it way easier to do conversions. To convert, you simply have to just move a decimal point over "x" amount of times. With the sytem we use now, its not that easy, you must divide by "12" and "60" and many other different numbers depending on what you are trying to convert. Most of the time you even have to use a calculator. Overall, i think that US should start to use the metric system, i think that it would make school and life a lot more easier, for us, and for people in other countries who already use the metric sytem.

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